is based on an original idea by James Whiting.

All the images used in out Get Well Soon cards are in the public domain, and were sourced from the Open Clip Art Library.

A red apple A green apple A red, heart-shaped apple A red apple with a green leaf A red apple A bunch of heart-shaped balloons A bunch of bananas Two birds A rabbit holding a heart A blue butterfly A pink and purple butterfly An orange butterfly An orange and black buttefly A green butterfly A blue and turquoise butterfly A buttefly on some flowers A cake with a cherry on top A mutli-coloured caterpillar Two cherries A single cherry A four-leafed clover A four-leafed clover A clown with balloons A doctor A doctor with a cup of coffee A dog A surreal flower An electrocardiogram display A pink rose A red flower A white flower on its stem Purple-pink flowers on a stem with leaves A pink flower A pink thistle Two yellow flowers Pink flowers on a stem with their leaves Two yellow and brown flowers Pink flowers Abstract red, pink and black flowers with their leaves Red heart-shaped flowers and butterflys A yellow flower and leaves A vase of flowers Pink flowers Yellow flowers A yellow flower Delicate yellow flowers A purple flower Yellow-orange flowers An array of yellow flowers Pink flowers and leaves Flowers and leaves growing up from rocks A pink bunch of grapes A bunch of black grapes A bunch of red grapes A bunch of black grapes A glossy heart A heart A kiwi fruit A leaf A red and yellow lollipop A banana A nurse's head A nurse with a giant thermometer A nurse with her hands in her pockets A cute purple octopus A peach A pear A flower is given to a patient in a bed A patient in bed A patient trying to walk using parallel bars A patient with a bandaged tongue A patient with a plaster on his face Some pills Some pills Prescription-only medicine A stethoscope A bottle of pills Capsule pills A syringe A patient on an operating table A person in a hospital bed A person on crutches A child and a doctor A doctor examining a patient A surgeon wearing a mask A nurse pushing a patient in a wheelchair A pill bottle A box of pills A bottle of medecine A red and white capsule pill A blue and white capsule pill Red, green and white pills Pills beside a pill bottle A sticking plaster A rainbow A rainbow A rainbow A red cross Green countryside with flowers and a butterfly A very sick-looking face Sun shines on green land a tree A stethoscope and a pill bottle A stethoscope Strawberries A bright-yellow sun A syringe A syringe A digital thermometer A slice of watermelon

I’m very grateful to all the people who have made their images available – this website would not have been possible without their generosity.

If you have any questions, please email is Copyright © 2010-2012 Mike – All Rights Reserved